I have been publishing nonfiction since my graduate school days, first at SMU's Perkins School of Theology, and then at Emory University, where I received his Ph.D. in Social Ethics. Below is a reverse chronology of my published prose.
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Nonfiction -- Theology and Biblical Exegesis
Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science-Technology Themes. With George L. Murphy and LaVonne Althouse. (Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing, 1996). Reviews on Publisher's Page American Scientific Affiliation Review

Thesis -- Theological Ethics of Technology
Toward a Theological Ethics of Technology: An Analysis in Dialogue with Jacques Ellul, James Gustafson, and Philosophy of Technology. Ann Arbor, Michigan; University Microfilms International. 1990. Citation by PhilPapers. Cited in Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacque Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition by Jefferey M. Shaw.